Saturday, November 19, 2011
Metabolism is key for Champions
Oh, it's been long since I have updated my blog. I've had lots of experiences, a lot of them, worthy to be shared. So.. Where to begin? *chuckles* Since my last post about putting more focus on my education, a lot of things have happened, some that are great, and some that are sorrowful. I have to agree, that boxing has put me into the backseat of life. It has made me a positive thinker, a contented man (with great dreams), and a healthy person. Throughout the days of my progression, I have seen the changes within myself, from good to worse, and vice versa. Life is an endless bound of truth, showing us failure, in order for us to succeed.
There were moments, where I trained hard, and after several days of inactivity because of focusing into education, I suddenly got ill. I had a high fever reaching 39 degrees Celsius. I also had experienced in the past, dealing with patients with the same condition, but never have I been more aware of its severity, from the moment, I myself experienced it. The feeling was like, your entire body, is at its weakest point, not to mention the headaches that come with it. I had lesser appetite at that time, and I felt, almost half-dead. After recovering from it, I then felt to myself, that my regimen was far more different than what I usually do. I knew from that moment, that I lost my metabolism that I usually had in the past.
I was slower, weaker, and easily tired. I then pushed toward a goal to recover the metabolism I lost. I immediately planned and did, a running and jogging exercises at my local neighborhood. The same old slope, where even the feeling of fatigue is lost, with the pleasant view of the everglades that surround the place. After a few days of jacking up my metabolism, I actually did recover. Sickness can put your metabolism at its lowest. After you recover from it, you must try to get back, or you will lose everything you have worked hard for in your life, like muscle tone, speed, stamina, and more. Metabolism is key for champions.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Pacquiao - Marquez III: The Controversy
A lot of people might have noticed that, although the Pacquiao - Marquez match-up was fast approaching, I wasn't able to post up my predictions on the upcoming fight. With the results you see now, you will know now why. I knew coming into the fight that Marquez was and will always be the greatest challenge for Manny Pacquiao. Juan Manuel Marquez is a technically sound fighter who has dominated fighters through counter-punching. Although, fans did not always admired the art of its style, that is why, in the Golden Featherweight Era, aggressive fighters were always at the limelight.
These fighters, particularly, Prince Naseem Hamed, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, and Manny Pacquiao caught the attention of boxing fans, as Marquez fights in the shadows. Up until his opportunity in fighting Manny Pacquiao, first blood drew, and since that time, Marquez had already solved him. A draw from their first fight, it was clear that although the points might favor Pacquiao with his early knockdowns, Marquez had won more rounds. Controversy stirs even greater, as the Pacquiao - Marquez II had been concluded. The result is a split-decision favoring Pacquiao.
A lot of people had their differences in opinion, some favoring Pacquiao, some for Marquez, or even a Draw. It was a close fight. So it was high time that Pacquiao - Marquez III will be imminent, and so I had my thoughts that it will be a dangerous fight for both fighters, and there was no doubt in my mind that it won't be a great fight. Before the fight, I had predicted a Unanimous Decision for Pacquiao. I knew Marquez won't get knocked-out, but I had the feeling that he might get knocked down, which wasn't the case.
Marquez did last the full twelve rounds with the Pacman, and all rounds were close rounds, although two rounds, I saw Marquez dominating. People were shocked and in awe with the performance Marquez had done in the ring against Pacquiao. Truthfully, I was expecting that. Marquez had always been the Pacquiao Nemesis. There is no other fighter that Marquez wants to beat except Pacquiao. Even in the Mayweather - Marquez match-up, Marquez had overlooked Mayweather and was hoping to fight Pacquiao next. For me, that indicates of how determined he is to defeat the current pound for pound fighter in Pacquiao.
I had tremendous respect for Marquez and I knew coming into the fight that its going to be a very close match up. Did I predict it to be controversial? No, but I did predict that each round will be close rounds. What surprised me is that Marquez was able to dominate Pacquiao in certain rounds, and Pacquiao was unable to do it. Nonetheless, I had to score the fight the way I see it. Setting aside what the commentators had to say or the loud Mexican's in the area, I had to look on who was more effective in each round.
Sure I had Marquez dominating two rounds, but my initial score was two rounds up for Pacquiao 115-113. I heard what the commentators and the crowd had to say, but I actually felt and saw Manny Pacquiao winning by a slight margin in my scorecards. Everyone had split opinions, so I had to watch the fight all over again on replay. Top Rank commentators and Sky sports had Marquez winning the fight. Harold Lederman, the Official Judges, as well as myself, on the other hand, had Pacquiao winning. It was a Majority Decision win for Manny Pacquiao.
So it definitely was a close fight and the decision can go either way. I know a lot of people may have felt Juan Manuel Marquez should have won that fight, but stepping aside from favoritism, I had to judge the fight fairly. Based on aggression in the close rounds, I had Pacquiao stealing some rounds. There were times in the fight, that although close, I just saw that Pacquiao landed more punches than Marquez. No doubt in my mind though that Marquez was hitting the cleaner and harder shots.
I was basing each round on punch stat, and that is the reason why I had Manny ahead by two points. Pacquiao was hitting Marquez too much although not as clean and solid as Marquez', but just the volume of punches sealed every rounds that Pacquiao had won in my score cards. Final Decision: Even after watching the replays, I have Manny Pacquiao 115-113. It's a close fight so I can't blame anyone with the marks their giving on either sides, but the most important aspect that we need to understand, is that Boxing has produced another great match-up, and I am so excited to be even part of this hype.
The feeling I feel right now, is indescribable. At the end of the day, It is a close fight, and everyone is entitled to their opinions, but a Pacquiao - Marquez 4 is watchable. There is still much controversy in these dispute, and as long as there is controversy, match-up's don't end. The Spirit of the fight remains alive. I want a fourth fight and I know Floyd Mayweather Jr. knows it's time to fight this guy. Either Pacquiao - Mayweather or Pacquiao - Marquez 4, I would pay a fortune to watch any of these fights.
Tremendous respect for Juan Manuel Marquez. I haven't seen Pacquiao getting hit as much as how Marquez has hit him. I thought, the performance he did in this fight must place Marquez on the third spot on the pound for pound rankings. He must not retire, for he has more to offer in boxing. I know a lot of people must be upset, but I just can't help it. I actually saw what the judges were seeing in that fight. I saw it. Even if you call me blind or whatever, I scored it, and I had Pacquiao winning by two points.
Picture: One of the clean shots Juan Manuel Marquez had been landing flush on Manny Pacquiao's face.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Pacquiao - Marquez III Fight Card: Boxing has stayed on it's Feet
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Hopkins - Dawson, a disgrace in the sport of Boxing
Before I start, I want to thank everyone who have read my posts or those who stumbled into my blog. This blog has just reached its 6000 mark and I'm very thankful to everyone.
Now, I have just watched the recent clash between Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins and "Bad" Chad Dawson. I was in a very relaxed and almost getting into bed until I was enraged with what I saw. Bernard Hopkins, known to be the oldest World Boxing Champion was supposed to defend his Light Heavyweight Championship belt after winning convincingly against Jean Pascal. Chad Dawson on the other hand, had a loss against Pascal, and is now into his comeback into regaining the Championship that was once his. That was the template of the match-up so far, entering into the match. The earlier fights were great, but this fight spoiled everything.
The early rounds were a toss-up. Chad Dawson using range and spearing his punches into Hopkins. The older Hopkins, looked to get Dawson into a hold and hammering him on a semi-clinch. Dawson looked frustrated as he was unable to hit Hopkins on the inside, because he immediately clinches. Ultimately, as Hopkins got close to Dawson on round two, Dawson immediately lifts Hopkins and throws him down on the canvass. Bernard Hopkins clearly unable to continue, as he may have dislocated his left shoulder after being thrown. The referee warns to give a Technical Knock-out if Bernard was unable to continue, which he did. Chad Dawson wins by Technical Knock-out by round two.
I thought this match was the most craziest thing I have seen in boxing. The Mayweather-Ortiz fight was alright, but the Hopkins-Dawson? Come on. I would have understood if Mike Tyson would bite the ears of Holyfield again, but that is not the point. I have seen the imperfections in the sport of boxing, and to some extent, I have come to enjoy them. Just like when a slip gets called a knock-down or a knock-down turns into a slip. This is what a champion faces in the ring, and he must appear to be unfazed by it, and overcome obstacles.
In the case of the Hopkins-Dawson showdown. I was very disappointed. I mean, you could use the privilege to judge a knock-down without the replays, but to judge a fight because you were not sure what just happened? That to me, is an abuse of privilege, and things must change in boxing as well. I also would like to give emphasis, that this is BOXING, not MMA. Take-downs are not a part of boxing, and if you ask me, you are not supposed to judge the fight as a TKO with that. It almost looked more of an MMA bout rather than a boxing match.
This is what kills boxing.. what destroys it, and I don't want to be put up to this pressure. I too, am an aspiring fighter, and with the kind of reputation that boxing builds today, it makes me have serious doubts if I would be interested to get inside a sport with so much confusion and issues. It all comes down to the judgment of the referee. For me, personally, I blame the ref' for that wrong call. I could pass out a loosely judged knock-out, but to decide the fight is over on a take-down? You must be out of your freaking mind.
The people who watched the fight know that this fight should be judged as a No Contest rather than a Technical Knock-out. People who watched the fight must be really disappointed too, since they paid a fortune to get their seats into this fight, but it ended up short and disappointing. To state it, overall, it sucks! I would want it to be called a No Contest, and let them have a rematch, not because they need it or want it, but for the honor of boxing. It's hard to win fans back into boxing when this sort of things happen.
My Proposal:
It is high time that we should change certain aspects in the sport of boxing. In the old times, fighters would go unlimited rounds until one quits. It changes, and rounds would reach until fifteen. After the death of Duk Koo Kim in their match with Ray Mancini, championship rounds were then cut to twelve. What I want to propose, is the use of replays in boxing matches. For the longest time in sports history, boxing is a sport that do not rely on replays, they resort to the referee's judgment.
It affects all common sense. This is the age of High Definition LCD screens, Cyber-internet communication, Digital-age, and a lot. Times have past, and so, the sport of boxing must adapt to it as well. I mean, why should we continue with the old? when common sense tells us, there is a replay. This is high time for change, especially with the Bernard Hopkins and Chad Dawson debacle. It just kills the sport, if we are blindly going out through our ways. I know it must be a miracle for me to give everyone a heads-up, I'm just a blogger, but I am a person too, and I say my opinions when things get ugly.
Picture: Bernard Hopkins after a take-down from Chad Dawson.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Learn how to "Berserk"
According to Wikipedia, Berserk is..
"A status effect in a variety of role-playing games, which generally causes the affected individual to attack recklessly and with increased power, and with no concern for personal safety or the safety of the individual's party." (
You would wonder, why in the world am I talking about role-playing games? What is its relation to the sport of boxing, or fighting, in general?
It all happened when I rested in my bed while listening to some feel-good music, that practically, of course. makes me feel great. I was full of optimism, as if nothing in life could ever go wrong. I felt carefree and body felt so light like the great feeling I have is taking me so high. It was a relaxing evening. As I switched my feel-good music to some angry work-out music, there was some change that occurred inside of me. I somehow felt alerted, and seemingly pulling out the inner warrior inside of me. Almost as if a dose of adrenaline is jacked into my system gradually. The once was a relaxing and happy mood, turned into a temporary feeling of aggressiveness and inner heaviness that felt as if consisted with hate, anger, revenge, intertwined in one. It builds up inside of your chest making it feel heavy. I call this the "Berserk Effect."
The term "berserk" is known to me, for I too have been a gamer. I then realized that this must be the same thing, although in reality rather than in fictional games. The feeling is really quite extraordinary, its as if you want to do something and release what is inside. For me, I release tension through displacement and sublimation, and that is why I get a good work-out in the punching bag. I relieve stress through it. I guess, the feeling of "berserk", may as well vary among people. People are used to using other coping strategies to get over stress, but for me, as a fighter, I fight. It must be true to some fighters too who are using this feeling of being berserk and using it in order to be a more effective fighter.
After feeling "berserk" for a couple of minutes, it felt very inconvenient for me for it happened at night. I can't train on the heavy bag especially when people are sleeping, because it makes a loud thudding sound every time I train. So I relieved my stress through deep-breathing exercises, think of happy thoughts, and listened back to the feel-good music. It went away in a few minutes, and I feel lighter after I relieved myself from it. The heaviness dissipated into emptiness, and I gradually put myself back into feeling great. I had to share it, because when I train, I feel more energy, passion, and determination when I feel "berserk", in comparison to training without it. There must be this aspect that makes fighters look invincible, because the feeling they have inside them, helped brought about the greatness in their performance.
How to be in the Berserk state?
Few of the things I've experienced through training, taught me how to unleash the inner warrior inside of us, in seconds. Just remember though, that there are some serious consequences when you are in this state. So I discourage people who are using this in a bad way, but I do encourage it in sports. It makes you work harder, train harder, and play harder.
3 ways to Unleashing the inner Warrior:
1. When you feel hatred or anger towards anything around you. You usually feel Berserk in an instant. This is the long-term type of effect. As you resolve your issues this feeling will gradually subside, but its long-term effects make it very suitable for people who want to lose weight or build muscles. You will get in a somewhat, possessed state, like a warrior spirit has taken over your body. Take advantage of it and exercise. You will surely reach lengths you never thought you could.
2. Watch some boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, or etc. This will bring you in the mood to fight. Although it is not as powerful as a full berserk, this feeling is a somewhat, easy, small, and a safe dose from your regular berserk. You don't need to feel angry. All you have to do is bring yourself in the same wavelength of the fighters mindset, and Bingo!, you got it. Onset is slow, but effect varies until interest subsides. Intensity is also lesser.
3. Listen to pump-up music (Berserking). Preferably something that makes you feel aggressive. Position yourself into controlling your actions, as you listen to the music. Your unexpressed feelings will slowly build inside of you, like a volcano ready to explode. When the feeling is too much, you will feel like unleashing it, and that is the right time to do it. You get the full berserk, but effect is temporary. You build up about five minutes, and explode for ten minutes or more.
How to relieve the Berserk State*:
1. Do some INTENSE exercises. Small exercises won't work. Use displacement and sublimation and destroy the heavy bag. Go out and do some running, not jogging. It depends in what kind of exercise you want as long as its intense.
2. Shout, sing, talk, or etc. It is the verbal manifestation of your unexpressed feelings, thus, it works. Talk to a friend and express yourself. The more you express yourself, the more the feeling will be gone.
3. Listen to feel-good music. This is a mechanism called sublimation. You change your focus to a less-stressful stimuli.
4. Think good thoughts. Positive thinking kills the negative emotions.
5. Eat Serotonin-rich food. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter released in the body to give us the feeling of happiness and well-being. Serotonin-rich food includes: chocolates and bananas.
*Of course, there are lots of ways to relieve stress. It's in the science of psychology.
Berserking is a powerful yet dangerous tool. It must be used with caution. People who stay berserk would appear dysfunctional in the society, and that is why it must be used only in certain situations, like in sports. I have seen fighters who use this to their advantage, although successful, they have failed to return to being functional human beings. They tend to be aggressive in the society, breaks up rules, and do all the bad things we don't want to happen. Again, being berserk is a risk. You may end up hurting your loved ones if you did not learn to control it. A person who is practitioner on this must learn to not only bring himself to the state, but more importantly, learn to let it go.
One thing, being berserk is one way of bringing you into that adrenaline rush, or what I call, "The Zone." That feeling of being superhuman, is unavoidable.
Formula for Adrenaline Rush:
Berserk + Training = Endorphin + Adrenaline =
The Zone/Adrenaline Rush = Temporary Superhuman
This is one reason why training is addicting, because you get a high into it. A natural high, without side effects. But of course, too much is too bad. Your body may get used to all these endorphin and adrenaline, that once you stop training, you will have a withdrawal symptom. Depression. So be careful, and use at your own risk. It's best to gradually stop training, rather than instantly stopping it. Let your body adapt to its internal and external changes.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mayweather - Ortiz : Thoughts
The Fight Card:
Another great fight card has just been completed. As we saw another great, dynamic, and controversial match-ups. Mixed emotions, Mixed races, and Mixed outcomes. Earlier in the fights, we saw a competitive match-up between Jessie Vargas and Josesito Lopez. A stunning TKO victory of the now four division world champ, Erik "El Terrible" Morales. A sensational knockout of Saul Alvarez over Wilfredo Gomez. Who would ever forget the main event, where all the main drama took place? Floyd Mayweather Jr., knocking out Victor Ortiz on four. Some of the best fights I would ever want to see was right here. It made every boxing fan's day punctuated with a bang!
Vargas - Lopez Thoughts:
A very competitive match-up. The aggressor was Lopez and the boxer was Vargas. Lopez had his best round in the third, when he hurt Vargas with shots on the inside. Those effective punches by Lopez didn't sustain itself as Vargas continued to box and continued to swarm Lopez with punches as he comes on the inside. They had close rounds all through out the fight. Jessie Vargas wins a split decision against Josesito Lopez.
Morales - Cano Thoughts:
Another great match-up as the legend continues with Erik "El Terrible" Morales against Pablo Cesar Cano. Cano was a young and undefeated fighter, but Morales just got too much experience, skills, and intelligence inside the ring that he just tagged Cano everytime. Cano had a cut that was caused by Morales' punches. As the dominance took over, Cano's corner called it quits in round ten. Erik Morales wins by Technical Knockout.
Alvarez - Gomez Thoughts:
A sensational KO of Saul Alvarez against Alfredo Gomez. Trying to feel each other out in the early rounds, until Alvarez just unleashed a barrage of quick and deadly punches to finish Gomez in six. A sensational victory of Saul Alvarez winning it for him by Knockout.
Mayweather - Ortiz Thoughts:
Very intriguing match-up, as I had predicted a Unanimous Decision or a late round Technical Knockout for Floyd. As expected, Ortiz was rushing in like a bull on Mayweather. To Floyd's credit, his shoulder roll made a hard night for Victor as he goes ineffective and has seemingly placed his combinations into hibernation. His shots just won't land enough. Mayweather was sharpshooting Ortiz with pinpoint accuracy and using his handspeed to his advantage as he continuously hurts him in each round. In round four, Ortiz throws a flurry on Mayweather but ineffective. Seemingly frustrated, Ortiz gave Mayweather an intentional headbutt. (Although, corrected himself that it was an accident, as he was just pushing Floyd to the ropes.) Referee Joe Cortez gave a deduction on Victor Ortiz. As Ortiz gave an apologetic hug to Floyd, he immediately cracked Ortiz with a left hook-right hand combination. Victor Ortiz, unable to get up, gets himself counted out by Joe Cortez. Floyd Mayweather Jr. wins by Knockout.
Final Thoughts:
This is one of the best fight cards I have ever seen in a while. This is the drama that the sport of boxing has lost for a decade or so. This helps a lot in the sport of boxing. As for the Mayweather Knockout, I got no bad thoughts about it. I mean, Mayweather is just doing his job. It's a fighter's obligation to protect himself at all times. You can't look anywhere else other than the man who is in front of you. That same person who is beating the heck out of you, and have no other thoughts than to just destroy you. So never turn your back on him or look in another way, because that would just be a short-stop ticket for you getting knocked out. Never trust any fighter you come up against.
As far as I'm concerned, the dirtier fighter to me, was Ortiz. Stop headbutting, that's not part of boxing. You are not supposed to hug inside a boxing ring. Because of this inexperience by Ortiz, my prediction was cut short. Pacquiao should better stop hugging like he did with Mosley. Boxing is a badass sport, everyone should learn that. I would bet the Pacquiao - Mayweather Fight to happen after Pacquiao - Marquez III, if not, the entire world will be very disappointed to, not only of the fighters, but to boxing in general. So I hope the fight of the century must happen soon.
Picture: Floyd Mayweather Jr. knocking out Victor Ortiz after all the apologies. Referee Joe Cortez looking to count the fallen Victor Ortiz.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Featherweight Division: Reborn
Throughout the recent years, there were lots of transitions in every weight class. The one specific weight class that I am referring to, is the featherweight division. It's been years since the last Golden Featherweight Age took place between a lot of talented fighters of their time. The era of Morales, Barrera, Marquez, Pacquiao, Prince Naseem Hamed, and a lot more talents that rule the featherweight division at that time. As fighters begin to leave the featherweight division, it seems like the ice-age in boxing has begun. Although not until the spawning of great fighters that exist in the featherweight scene that has defrost the cold frostbitten core of what was once was a paradise of great fights. Fighter's like Juan Manuel Lopez, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Daniel Ponce de Leon, Orlando Salido, Nonito Donaire, and great fighter's from lower divisions of whom are migrating to this division. It's like the old has died but the fighting spirit lives on. At this moment, the future of the featherweight division looks bright. Another tremendous match-ups are just waiting around the corner, giving us great fights that would become classics for another new age approaches. I believe that the featherweight division will be the build-up phase for these great fighters, but the real drama and superstar status will be imminent after some time in which they reach the Super Featherweight division. It's gonna be like the old times. Remember the great wars in this division? Hold on to your seats because it's definitely coming. You would ask, where are those great fights nowadays? I know they are being prepared. Preparation is immense, and I know boxing will definitely be reborn again.. better than Wrestling, and definitely way better than Mixed Martial Arts. The stage will be set, and the only thing left is to find out when will the play begin.
Picture: Yuriorkis Gamboa with sensational victories over boxers like Rogers Mtagwa who is seen knocked down in the lower left.
Mayweather - Ortiz Prediction
Just a days from now, another super-fight in the great world of boxing will be taking place once again. A fight that determines whether pound for pound is a mere title or a self-proof that greatness, he remains supreme. Floyd Mayweather Jr., the long time pound for pound king, will be facing the up and coming prospect from Garden City, Kansas. Victor "Vicious" Ortiz, known for his relentless style and his boxing prowess. He is a fighter to look up for in the welterweight division. Floyd Mayweather Jr., on the other hand, has already proven himself to be one of the best fighters in the world, if not, the best fighter in the world. His defensive skills had made him invincible in every challenge he faced, including fights with, Arturo Gatti, Ricky Hatton, Juan Manuel Marquez, and the list goes on. Ortiz's recent fights include Unanimous decisions from Andre Berto, his draw to Lamont Peterson, and his loss against Marcos Maidana. This is a fight that that the world looks to see. The Mayweather - Ortiz showdown will be held on September 17th 2011.
As a boxing analyst, I will try to weigh down on the ideas and come up with a prediction towards this match. I have seen both fighter's fight. I just have the picture in my mind that this upcoming fight will have the similarities of a Mayweather - Baldomir Fight. Carlos Baldomir does have similarities with Victor Ortiz. I can see Mayweather continuously jabbing Ortiz, as he gets frustrated and makes mistakes that Floyd will capitalize on with his patented right handed counters. Although, Victor Ortiz may seem like a faster and more boxing-smart version of Baldomir, I just feel that he will be chasing Mayweather with no avail, like a bull that charges through a matador. Ortiz's lack of hand and foot speed will greatly put him to a great disadvantage against the pound for pound star.
Early Rounds:
I can see Victor Ortiz favoring well with Floyd Mayweather Jr. in the early rounds. Although, Ortiz has stepped into the aggressive fighting style, he will get hit with jabs and countering shots from the Pretty Boy. Victor Ortiz will land glancing right hand shots and a series of combinations to the body and head. Ortiz will get frustrated early, which will make him fatigued as round six approaches.
Middle Rounds:
Floyd Mayweather Jr. will step into his right straight and duck groove, and Ortiz will hit nothing but air, in rounds six and up. Although Ortiz will be aggressive, he will land only two out of six punches thrown This rounds will be reminiscent of the Mayweather - Marquez Fight.
Late Rounds:
Victor Ortiz will look winded and hurt, as Floyd Mayweather Jr. will be landing harder and crisper shots. Going in for the victory, Floyd Mayweather Jr. will be playing it safe and try to win the fight by points. There is a relative chance in these late rounds that Money will be knocking down and finishing Victor.
I predict Floyd Mayweather Jr. to win by Unanimous Decision on twelve rounds or by Technical knock-out in the late rounds.
Again, these are only predictions, and anything can happen in a boxing match. Forgive me if I look down on this match and almost giving the fight away to Floyd, because I just can't see Victor Ortiz winning this fight. I mean, from the moment I learned this match will be taking place, I knew it was a mismatch. Victor Ortiz is a big underdog in this match, and he must do a heck of a miracle to win this. He must prove to skeptics like myself that he can do it, and by then, I will welcome any outcome. This is boxing, and one thing I've learned in this sport, is that everyone has a chance. As long as you believe in yourself, you know you can do it, regardless of any trials that you may stumble across to.
I look to this fight as a tune-up fight for Floyd, in order for him to face Manny Pacquiao next year. Floyd, again, if you're reading this, take the fight and make it happen. It's what the world wants to see. I believe you, Floyd and Manny should have an obligation to the sport, in giving us the the fight that the world wants. Don't call it quits just like that. The Pacquiao - Mayweather fight must happen!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Taking things for granted

Sunday, August 7, 2011
A Heavy Price for Carelessness
I have started to get extra serious in my weight control regimen over the past few months. Just recently, I have graduated my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, and since that time, I have gone to numerous celebrations that has weakened me both physically and mentally. It left me feeling strong yet weak, as I enjoy the bachelor life that most men can relate to. Yes I ate a lot, slept a lot, and did stuff that my usual routine do not usually include. I made it a point to enjoy life after school, that it made everyday a party. This unhealthy lifestyle that I have partaken has given me some consequences that I knew I had to work on when I begin to get a grip of myself. I had ballooned up from 130 lbs to 140 lbs. pretty nasty stuff, as I just had to relax and party for only a month. Looking myself in the mirror, I begin to question myself through my contradicting ideals against my unhealthy lifestyle. Like a pearl from a barren clam, the frustrations made me reincarnate the champion that was hidden inside of me. As I clenched my fist, I begin to look into the mirror and say, "It's time." I had to work out and restrict my food intake, as my metabolic diet doesn't seem to respond anymore with my lack of exercise in these idle days. So I returned, with the old fashion, exercise plus diet regimen. It took me about a month to lose the first five pounds permanently, with the rigorous jump rope, shadow boxing, and abdominal crunches exercises. It was definitely hard to lose weight, but I kept on, carrying with me a determination that continuously burns my heart with inspiration. Throughout the days, I have also learned various techniques in jump rope. I trained every single day possible, and begun to master these techniques that most athletes brag about in the gym. I had to let my body rest for a few days, as it also was a perfect time for my body to adjust in the 135 lbs weight class. As my weight begin to be consistent, I begin to be inspired to lose another five pounds to return to my regular weight class, which is, 130 lbs or the Super Featherweight Division. As the month of July begins, I started to work my way into a new set of training program. I meticulously chose, Jogging, Shadow boxing, Double Abdominal Crunches, Internal Oblique Crunches, and Triceps weight training. Jogging helps for my cardiovascular health, as it helps burn fat through aerobic movement. Shadow boxing helps condition muscles and promotes hand speed. Double Abdominal Crunches increases the abdominal muscles, to help burn fat through metabolism, particularly in the stomach. New to my regimen, The Internal Oblique Crunches not only helps increase the size of the muscle, it also burns those love handles, particularly on the hips. Triceps weight training is incorporated in my regimen, in order to burn the fatty storage on the posterior aspect of my upper arm. Taking all things into consideration, I have actually worked my way down to lose another five pounds. So I was back to the weight class I worked hard for, year's back. It just goes to show that sometimes, when you do things, there are definitely consequences waiting to be paid back. If only I was disciplined in my weight control in the past, I wouldn't have to suffer three months to return to my usual weight. I mean, at what cost is one month of heaven, to three months of hell? Sometimes we may just have to snap ourselves out of the confusion that surrounds us and stick to our will. Yet even as this circumstance has happened, I never backed down. Although I was out of shape, it never made me quit or just give in to the weakening. A champion is someone who overcomes obstacles, prejudices, or any complications that surround him.. A champion remains fighting. It's this character, and the burning spirit of determination, flowing inside my heart, that tells me, I can do it, that, nothing is impossible when you believe.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
5000+ views and counting!
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Father

Monday, July 4, 2011
Re-acquainted to the Past
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Growing Up
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tornado Origins

Pacquiao - Mosley: Outcome and Thoughts

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Pacquiao - Mosley Prediction

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
In-Shape or Out of Shape
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Great Erik Morales

I keep telling everyone, that my greatest idol in boxing, was never Manny Pacquiao (perhaps counting him due to my filipino heritage), it was always the courageous Erik "El Terrible" Morales. I can see great fighters when I see one, and Morales is one of those I can clearly entitle as a "True Champion." There are phony champions everywhere, in these day and age, without the kind of guts that separates a true champion from a fighter. Erik Morales transcends all these kinds of people. He showed great heart, courage, determination, and fights despite the odds. (A Champion) In his recent fight against Argentinian puncher, Marcos René Maidana, Erik Morales showed why he is a Champion. My emotions might be of one who breaks in tears, for the moment, for another proud effort has been made, and this is why boxing has always been special to me. I could hardly watch a beaten Morales fighting with only one eye. (as his right eye was completely shut)With my surprise, Morales fought in even terms with his opponent. Answering back, when the opportunity comes, and bullying him at times. I could see flashes of the Great Erik Morales, who dominated bantamweight, featherweight, and the only fighter to really defeat Manny Pacquiao. Perhaps, a champion, will always be a champion despite age, limit, or odds. I have a ton to say about this great fighter, but I leave it at that, and the feeling that surrounds everyone when they watch Erik Morales in a defining moment of his iconic career.