Saturday, November 6, 2010



In a dreary day, I come to find myself comforted through out the minutes, as I just lounge into the soft furnishes of the couch, while watching television. As the night turned out, my mother has returned home, bringing with her, a computer monitor. Presently, we've got two laptops, and three CPU's. The additional monitor, has made me open the old files, that I've abandon for months. Seeing some few familiar music files, pictures, and games that I have used to play for a long time. In the search for files to help me remember some events in the past, it did not took me long to discover a file that has caught my interest. It was a text document, in a notepad application. I decided to open it, and was surprised with what I have wrote. It was a text that was supposedly be put on, in this blog, months ago. It articulately talks about the Poem that I have written before. It discusses Reincarnation, and my thoughts of it. Without further a do, here is the article..

I was surfing the net, watching television, and reading some books, then it came to me. The idea that made me think, where does my spirit come from? Was it made by me, by my hardship and dedication, or was it a continuous process from something in the past? I have always been fascinated of how determined a person I am. Although, something as complex as my spirit is something that I ponder most. Am I just so lucky to be what I am, or did I simply create the perfection in me, that my mind think should be? It all boils down to the thought about Reincarnation. So I thought, if I was something in the past, I could have been a fighter. Maybe, I could be a tiger, a lion, an eagle, or any animal with the nature of fighting. Was I an animal, or another man in the past? This resulted me into doing a little research about boxing. If there was any other person that will be almost the same as I am, I would say it would be that person. I am not going to say who he is though, cause I know it would sound ridiculous to anyone. So I made a poem of me and who I thought could be my past-life. No matter what the truth is about reincarnation, I will just keep in mind, that I am what I am. I won't be influenced with any theories that would bend me as a person. So I will stay, with what I'm comfortable with, and be myself. Either, Reincarnation is true or not, I will never fully accept its truth, for there is no proof. I am simply looking at the possibilities, and that is what a champion is all about.

Picture: A slight hint of who, the person, I think, is my past-life.

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